Thursday, January 30, 2014

Cole buddy is ONE!!!

We are so TRULY blessed by our sweet little boy.  He was the easiest in his first year of life over our girls.  He has been so laid back and easy going, just enjoying being part of the chaos we live in.
Just recently...things changed.  He is still the sweetest, cutest boy around...but he requires a LOT more attention.  He likes to be carried - especially by his mama.  He likes to throw all his food on the floor when he's in his high chair and no one is paying attention to him.  And he likes to scream when anything is taken away.  Yes, he's become a toddler.
(Side note: that little gate was his birthday present and you can guess...he despises it.  But sometimes when mama has to make dinner and open a hot oven, he just has to deal)
Cole is a walker, climber, and runner already.  He thinks its funny to disappear and I can tell it will be different having a boy than what I'm used to.  He LOVES (ADORES) his sisters and loves when they give him undivided attention.
He is getting really good at folding his hands before dinner and saying "men" for Amen after we pray.  He's great at clapping his hands and playing peek-a-boo.  And instead of saying "mama" or "mommy," he sits in his high chair holding out his sippy cup and yells "MOM" over and over.
I love watching the relationship develop between Cole and LD. If he comes in the door from work and doesn't immediately acknowledge Cole - there is lots of screaming.  He likes to be known, can you tell?
We decided to have a (very) small birthday for Cole.  And it got smaller as every kid in Charlotte got sick the weekend of his party.  But he still had a great time opening presents...and of course eating cake!
I am so blessed to be the mommy of a little boy.  I secretly love that he's a mama's boy, even though LD tells me I coddle him.  I'm not a coddler by nature, but man...he is really cute!
Happy First Birthday Cole!

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