Sunday, August 18, 2013

2 down! (Potty training)

I never thought I would get to write this post!!!  I truly feel like I deserve an award for this one :)
  My Elle Belle is potty trained!!
I've said it before and I'll say it again, my sweet little peanut is a strong willed child.  She is tough as nails.  I have no doubt God is going to do great things through her and with her life with all of her spunk, but attempting to "train" her in anything has been a challenge.
We tried two different times and both times resulted in Elle yelling "I like diapers, I will not go on the potty!" while slamming her little potty.  We set the timer, we made a sticker chart, we loaded her up with juice.  She didn't have accidents, she just refused to go and would wait FIVE, yes, FIVE hours until I put a diaper on her at rest time and go then.  Sigh...what to do.  She was choosing to win the battle and I was at a loss.
I read in a book, (one that I did not like and didn't agree with half of what was written) to just show them the potty, put them in underwear, let them have accidents, don't offer a ton of praise, just let them figure it out. I thought: Worst. Idea. Ever.  But, since I was at a loss I figured I'd give it a try.  We have hardwood floors so the mess wouldn't be that bad.
I put her little potty out in the open, put her in underwear and rubber pants and we carried on.  After two accidents she decided she didn't like it and started going on her own.  End of story.  No more accidents, not one fit, and she is proud of herself without needing a reward.  Just accomplishing the goal was good enough satisfaction.
Lesson learned - all kids learn differently and my children will not learn in the way that I learn.  Elle needs some freedom and with her freedom she was able to conquer a big step.  We are all so proud of her (especially daddy who is only buying diapers for one baby now!)

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