Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sweet little ballerina

Today was Clare's first real ballet recital on a stage.  The last one she had with the Y was before they became a dance program and just took place in her room.  This year it was on a real stage...and Clare could not wait!
Great friends of ours watched Elle since the recital was during her naptime and we really wanted to focus the afternoon on Clare.  It was fun to have a little time with just her!

Her little class danced to "Kiss the Girl" from The Little Mermaid and of course, Clare did a superb job!

One thing we LOVE about taking classes at the Y is that they don't do costumes...they loan a special recital tutu and all the girls wear matching leotards.  Perfect for little 3 year old ballerinas!

It was really hard to wait for it to start so Clare and her little friend Maddie borrowed cell phones to keep busy :)

Enjoy the show: